Dhdishdhskjfisnfhf You need a pickaxe to clear the rocks. Use pickaxe?
StupidMemesstudios Games when developers get a bit lazy:
emoscrubdaddy Yep @captain_06
Captain_06 There's good loot in there
memesareawayoflife Blow it up
cat_kittin There probably is
Dhdishdhskjfisnfhf You need a pickaxe to clear the rocks. Use pickaxe?
• ReplyStupidMemesstudios Games when developers get a bit lazy:
• Replyemoscrubdaddy Yep @captain_06
• ReplyCaptain_06 There's good loot in there
• Replymemesareawayoflife Blow it up
• Replycat_kittin There probably is
• Reply