Also tagging is broken too
T85_Jr I am the Type of person that is goddamn annoyed of you!
okino_26. german is at it fucking again
STEALT_BLADE Bto pla just untag me @T85_Jr i dint even do shit this time
TOM_NOOK_OFFICIAL I don’t think English is his first language but yea he does kinda do this he called me a furry cause the pfp and then argued it
T85_Jr I am the Type of person that is goddamn annoyed of you!
• ReplybeeschurgerX
• Replyokino_26. german is at it fucking again
• ReplySTEALT_BLADE Bto pla just untag me @T85_Jr i dint even do shit this time
• ReplyTOM_NOOK_OFFICIAL I don’t think English is his first language but yea he does kinda do this he called me a furry cause the pfp and then argued it
• Reply