Hello fellow aryans I go by: reddkash/reddka$h/AryanAtreyu1488, and now AryanBread Im a european christian, aryan national socialist, white genocide believer and truth teller about Jew scum. I hate the kikes/zhyds/hebes/christkillers/shylocks/ovendodgers, niggers, shitskins, libtards, muzzies, degenerates, chinks, gooks, japs, wops, sandniggers, dunecoons, towelheads, cameljockeys, flips, spics, marxists, hajis/hadjis, cucks, nips, commies, illegal beaners, wetbacks/pepperbellys/tacoheads/borderjumpers, dotheads/7/11 owners/hijab-wearers/burkha-wearers/turban-wearers/bindi-wearers/baka-laka speakers/boojies/buttonheads/cow kissers/pissers/curry-munchers/tech supporters/spice-rubbers/thank you come againers/slurpee-jockeys/taxi drivers/pajeets, third-worlders, invaders, greasers/greaseballs, streetshitters, furrys, LGBTQ trash, non-straights and non-whites, ((unless your a based non-whitey)), Verbrennt die juden, heil mein Fuhrer, heil Hitler dir! Die juden fur immer vergessen! (pfft you say "holocaust," i say "holoHOAX") FREE MR.BOND and gypsycrusader ("im calm, im cool ovening that jew") - best quote by MR.BOND sieg heil 14/88 white power, \o/