#funny #memes #trumpmemes #trumpsucks #ironicmemes talk about that mexican food tho \ud83e\udd24\ud83c\udf2e
csol @Mr_Meme_64 never said all Mexicans are like that, didn’t say that at all, I have some very close friends, even some that immigrated here (legally). but some are like that all I’m sayin is it’s not like Mexico isn’t causing problems
Mr_Meme_64 👇im so fcking stupid👇
csol More like “Mexico exists and sends over illegal immigrants and gang members”
Korney_Kooloo i ned toco
communist What...?
Mr_Meme_64 Talk about that mexican food tho 🌮🤤
Mr_Meme_64 100th post
csol @Mr_Meme_64 never said all Mexicans are like that, didn’t say that at all, I have some very close friends, even some that immigrated here (legally). but some are like that all I’m sayin is it’s not like Mexico isn’t causing problems
• ReplyMr_Meme_64 👇im so fcking stupid👇
• Replycsol More like “Mexico exists and sends over illegal immigrants and gang members”
• ReplyKorney_Kooloo i ned toco
• Replycommunist What...?
• ReplyMr_Meme_64 Talk about that mexican food tho 🌮🤤
• ReplyMr_Meme_64 100th post
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