#meme #memes #cleanmemesdaily #memepages #memestagram #dankmemes
adoring_angel Omgosh
Kingxz People in anime who wear glasses be like
ilovefood472 Nope I’m as blind as a bat (bats ain’t blind)
memebranzz Yea.. data TrUE👁👄👁
gamer_ghostJ He’s to wise to be left alive!
idfc15k When your mom tells you the 1083510263091630366286th time, that we are going to swim be Like" Why the fuck you lying"
ryan_memes_2080 DEEP
roxy15 this hits hard
Marie.A Iir
fluffy_doge Wow kewl
skypartyof_1 Oof this is true tho
funnygirl08 But they didn’t say make you smarter it said make you LOOK smarter
funnygirl08 I’m laying down with my knees up and everything past that point is a BLUR
adoring_angel Omgosh
• ReplyKingxz People in anime who wear glasses be like
• Replyilovefood472 Nope I’m as blind as a bat (bats ain’t blind)
• Replymemebranzz Yea.. data TrUE👁👄👁
• Replyrandy_bogg
• Replygamer_ghostJ He’s to wise to be left alive!
• Replyrakanoooo2019
idfc15k When your mom tells you the 1083510263091630366286th time, that we are going to swim be Like" Why the fuck you lying"
• Replyryan_memes_2080 DEEP
• Replyroxy15 this hits hard
• ReplyMarie.A Iir
• Replyfluffy_doge Wow kewl
• Replyskypartyof_1 Oof this is true tho
• Replyfunnygirl08 But they didn’t say make you smarter it said make you LOOK smarter
• Replyfunnygirl08 I’m laying down with my knees up and everything past that point is a BLUR
• Reply