#memes #meme
CEOofSharingMemes I love it and hate it
yeetboipizzarolls I hate that
ell22222 @Dirtyvodka
DAREALSLIMSHADY__ This happens to me every night
HelenOtis That happens to me 7 days a week
unlimitedmemes This really be happening I be wtf
JaeJaeOFFICIAL_ You know people actually say that’s an angel carrying you but they accidentally drop you 0-0
aiden_ruiz9590 Relatable 😂🤣
when_you_cant Same
ytfortnitedylan I hate that
coolmemes101 Feeling that is so good but weird at the same times
yeetyeet_delete I’ve learned that when you dream about falling, it’s saying that your gunna die but when you wake up it’s from an ghost picking your spirit up and back in your body.
macandcheeseboi #realatable
shes_sour_but_sweet LMAO
doraismyprofilepic I love the falling sensation but then cry when it stops :(
CEOofSharingMemes I love it and hate it
• Replyyeetboipizzarolls I hate that
• Replyell22222 @Dirtyvodka
• ReplyDAREALSLIMSHADY__ This happens to me every night
• ReplyHelenOtis That happens to me 7 days a week
• Replyunlimitedmemes This really be happening I be wtf
• ReplyJaeJaeOFFICIAL_ You know people actually say that’s an angel carrying you but they accidentally drop you 0-0
• Replyaiden_ruiz9590 Relatable 😂🤣
• Replywhen_you_cant Same
• Replyytfortnitedylan I hate that
• Replycoolmemes101 Feeling that is so good but weird at the same times
• Replyyeetyeet_delete I’ve learned that when you dream about falling, it’s saying that your gunna die but when you wake up it’s from an ghost picking your spirit up and back in your body.
• Replymacandcheeseboi #realatable
• Replyshes_sour_but_sweet LMAO
• Replydoraismyprofilepic I love the falling sensation but then cry when it stops :(
• Reply