Spooky doot doot noises
someone... Sammeew
MrToonami Yeap
nutella_1633877404 Ehmmmm
ness_earthbound21 Itβs where squidward plays sport games
Furqan3082 *Laughs knowing squid game*
spooky_kkprincess So true
ConstantinMMXII wow squid game is bad
unfairness When squid game is a dead meme
c5jwm5fqrb Wow gust wow
SussyMcNugget #Relatable
methe_boir Hahah same
browhyno Lol Same
rikky-foresman How do they get squid to play a bunch of games squid arent smart at all
Kovatar π€£
ThatMemerNamedBeck Yes
someone... Sammeew
• ReplyMrToonami Yeap
• Replynutella_1633877404 Ehmmmm
• Replyness_earthbound21 Itβs where squidward plays sport games
• ReplyFurqan3082 *Laughs knowing squid game*
• Replyspooky_kkprincess So true
• ReplyConstantinMMXII wow squid game is bad
• Replyunfairness When squid game is a dead meme
• Replyc5jwm5fqrb Wow gust wow
• ReplySussyMcNugget #Relatable
• Replymethe_boir Hahah same
• Replybrowhyno Lol Same
• Replyrikky-foresman How do they get squid to play a bunch of games squid arent smart at all
• ReplyKovatar π€£
• ReplyThatMemerNamedBeck Yes
• Reply