did you know that the most recent willy wonka film is racist in one part? Whilts the palace is melting some melted chocolate falls on the indian guys head where they normally have the red spots. Sorry if I offended anyone by calling them "red spots", I have forgoten what is was actually called
hot.dawgmemes Follow my meme page on insta and send me your memes and I’ll post them and tag you @hot.dawgmemes
• Replymhaya595 Moonighter_
• Replymhaya595 Subscribe to my channel name is moonighter and if you dont subscribe to my channel you will go hell
Treequeen D I S N E Y
• ReplyMermergrr '-'
• ReplyDown_to_the_bone YOU STOLE MY MEME >:0
• ReplyUnknownMemegod did you know that the most recent willy wonka film is racist in one part? Whilts the palace is melting some melted chocolate falls on the indian guys head where they normally have the red spots. Sorry if I offended anyone by calling them "red spots", I have forgoten what is was actually called
• Replyobama__eats__fish lol rn i'm crying and laughing at the same time
• Replyicanteven
• Replyno_longer_here ohhh shiiit
• ReplyAlaby oh no
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