a.L Against me potter. Just finishing the sentence
itzblueberrysanplayz Things change mother!!! UwU
janker Lol
Dar.wen Lol
Npatriquep Help me out
rangoisoursaviour I changed it from 1.4k to 1.5k
nic67 When she starts to list the things she does financially for you...🤦♀️
meme_savage1234 Lol
3owls GOD Jesus for crying out loud
ilyasseyesfi91 Kyn
Ace_The_Raboot True Mothers be like
jordyn_zachie 😂
arnoldx1 Que vuelva el futbol
a.L Against me potter. Just finishing the sentence
• Replyitzblueberrysanplayz Things change mother!!! UwU
• ReplyLordDio
janker Lol
• ReplyDar.wen Lol
• ReplyNpatriquep Help me out
rangoisoursaviour I changed it from 1.4k to 1.5k
• Replynic67 When she starts to list the things she does financially for you...🤦♀️
• Replymeme_savage1234 Lol
• Reply3owls GOD Jesus for crying out loud
• Replypedroalbertocarbajal3
ilyasseyesfi91 Kyn
• ReplyAce_The_Raboot True Mothers be like
jordyn_zachie 😂
• Replyarnoldx1 Que vuelva el futbol