angle_icequeen_777 Ima were pjs, and what?
hi_welcometochilies__14 I dint fallow rules
Boruto14thHokage imsmoll_1689 tell em fuck you and wear pajamas
memerkid2 ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
memetothememe Still going to do it
squishy101 Lol
masterchief_117 Hmm yes the floor here is made out of floor
braden332 Hahahahahahaha
pastel_pink_33 Like they canโt just tell us what to wear in our own house
pastel_pink_33 Bruh that rule is literally more stupid than โYoU cAnT wEaR hOoDs aNd hAtS inSiDe, iTs DiSrEsPeCtfUlโ
RyoSuki Burnt
idk_what_life_is_anymore Lmafooo
riya.lo In my country teachers suffering much more because of parents passing by in underwear
Rose04 My teachers didn't even make zoom calls that's why my grades were lower than ever
aloveallmine I donโt care if my kids are wearing Halloween costumes to school or online school. At least theyโre going to school. lol. Give the kids a break.
angle_icequeen_777 Ima were pjs, and what?
• Replyhi_welcometochilies__14 I dint fallow rules
• ReplyBoruto14thHokage imsmoll_1689 tell em fuck you and wear pajamas
• Replymemerkid2 ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
• Replymemetothememe Still going to do it
• Replysquishy101 Lol
• Replymasterchief_117 Hmm yes the floor here is made out of floor
• Replybraden332 Hahahahahahaha
• Replypastel_pink_33 Like they canโt just tell us what to wear in our own house
• Replypastel_pink_33 Bruh that rule is literally more stupid than โYoU cAnT wEaR hOoDs aNd hAtS inSiDe, iTs DiSrEsPeCtfUlโ
• ReplyRyoSuki Burnt
• Replyidk_what_life_is_anymore Lmafooo
• Replyriya.lo In my country teachers suffering much more because of parents passing by in underwear
• ReplyRose04 My teachers didn't even make zoom calls that's why my grades were lower than ever
• Replyaloveallmine I donโt care if my kids are wearing Halloween costumes to school or online school. At least theyโre going to school. lol. Give the kids a break.
• Reply