TF2_Soldier wow
Staycloudy I don’t know if I’m crazy or if I’m crazy💀
KALLMEHYOURMOM This is actually like every “optical illusion” anywhere
Ohio_Chips Holy shit no way
horrible_memes_yay How
memeir yall cant take jokes
Flesh_cousin Hell nah, they’re moving
NoOneInParticular 😨🫢
localanimeguy Wtf, when the circles stopped moving it was put a little bit lower than the circles at the start and the colors were put on different sides therefore THIS IS FAKE
AbelReal Woah:0
finnishmemer no fucking way
TF2_Soldier wow
• ReplyStaycloudy I don’t know if I’m crazy or if I’m crazy💀
KALLMEHYOURMOM This is actually like every “optical illusion” anywhere
• ReplyOhio_Chips Holy shit no way
• Replyhorrible_memes_yay How
• Replymemeir yall cant take jokes
• ReplyFlesh_cousin Hell nah, they’re moving
• ReplyNoOneInParticular 😨🫢
• Replylocalanimeguy Wtf, when the circles stopped moving it was put a little bit lower than the circles at the start and the colors were put on different sides therefore THIS IS FAKE
• ReplySkelet0n
AbelReal Woah:0
finnishmemer no fucking way