theytrynabecrey that’s a very controversial question
mememaster_hi How dare you that’s very inappropriate
basir I hate oatmeal but fruits taste good and vegetables u should be worried about
memesposteddaily Oats and fruit and other nasty stuff
LSB_Sandbar Breakfast soup
chipschips12345 Idk
Bobisurncle Its serial u eat when ur old
_SaTaNiC_MeMeS Idk what oatmeal is but I do know that it’s not pussy :D
Kkderpz2 Um... 😂
sphycox Oatmeal is oatmeal
LonelyWarrior Its... Uhmmmm... ITS... UGHHHHH. wait! Oatmeal is.... I DONT KNOW
theytrynabecrey that’s a very controversial question
• Replymememaster_hi How dare you that’s very inappropriate
• Replybasir I hate oatmeal but fruits taste good and vegetables u should be worried about
• Replymemesposteddaily Oats and fruit and other nasty stuff
• ReplyLSB_Sandbar Breakfast soup
• Replychipschips12345 Idk
• ReplyBobisurncle Its serial u eat when ur old
• Reply_SaTaNiC_MeMeS Idk what oatmeal is but I do know that it’s not pussy :D
Kkderpz2 Um...
• 😂
• Replysphycox Oatmeal is oatmeal
• ReplyLonelyWarrior Its... Uhmmmm... ITS... UGHHHHH. wait! Oatmeal is.... I DONT KNOW
• Reply