I\u2019m like seriously how can you call yourself a real fan and not know who Musically Gifted Men is? \ud83d\ude44They. were the group that put kellz on the map back in 1990 when they won that talent show called big break I know a lot about kellz cause I\u2019m a real fan/supporter not someone who is looking to gain clout by mentioning his name \ud83d\udcaf\u2764\ufe0f #MGM #MusicallyGiftedMen #freerkelly #freerobertkelly #isupportrkelly #unmuterkelly #playrkelly #rkelly #mutingisbullying #teamkellz #teamrkelly #rkellyisinnoncent #Justiceforrkelly #kellznation #robertkelly #robertsylvesterkelly #kellz #legend #GreatestOfAllTime #justiceforrobertkelly