tech support ,nice people , vodka?
Izuku_Midoriya123 Accurate
KingOfHeartz tech support im goneee
Cheeto_diabeeto I agree but America is a fact
developer99 I mean yes
How_To_Train_Your_Dragon_Fan U live in TecH sUpPorT
PizzaPineapple America is oil tycoon and Australia is CRIKEY!!!!
oreeeeo Mexicanos be like IMMIGRATION
slayer_of_mortals You forgot qwasont from France lmao
mememaster1234567891011 Can’t forget the Jews
kidpusse Canada’s I correct
TheTwinTigers Very accurate
cheeeze I mean, some of this is pretty true
_Ecstasy_ "nIcE PeOpLe"
StepBroGree why our best friend russia is vodka?
Izuku_Midoriya123 Accurate
• ReplyKingOfHeartz tech support im goneee
• ReplyCheeto_diabeeto I agree but America is a fact
• Replydeveloper99 I mean yes
• ReplyHow_To_Train_Your_Dragon_Fan U live in TecH sUpPorT
• ReplyPizzaPineapple America is oil tycoon and Australia is CRIKEY!!!!
• Replyoreeeeo Mexicanos be like IMMIGRATION
• Replyslayer_of_mortals You forgot qwasont from France lmao
• Replymememaster1234567891011 Can’t forget the Jews
• Replykidpusse Canada’s I correct
• ReplyTheTwinTigers Very accurate
• Replycheeeze I mean, some of this is pretty true
• Reply_Ecstasy_ "nIcE PeOpLe"
• ReplyStepBroGree why our best friend russia is vodka?
• Reply