Gay bisexual furies make good fire starters, but yes, all furries should burn in hell, freedom ain’t free, people risk their lives for that freedom, stop living your little fucking fantasy, u ain’t Caillou you ain’t getting your entire life handed to you on a silver platter
R.I.P to these soldiers who never saw their family’s after dying in the war protecting us and R.I.P to the people who agreed with the furry because they are about to meet a bus and death
This is why i hate gays and furries...this is why i always respect veterans no matter if they a soviet,nazi,or just a normal american i respect them and they also inspired me to one day join air force or navy
EL_T0MA_HWK Gay bisexual furies make good fire starters, but yes, all furries should burn in hell, freedom ain’t free, people risk their lives for that freedom, stop living your little fucking fantasy, u ain’t Caillou you ain’t getting your entire life handed to you on a silver platter
• Reply8zmcgb2pfw Rip to soldiers who died in war protecting our country and saved people’s lives this is why furry’s should fucking die and burn in hell
• Replyopennanor This is so upsetting 😔
• Replybigpapiking Everyone these days are so corrupted it’s sucked to see what we are seeing I hate my fucking generation
• ReplyExiledTheGhost Furries fucking suck bro I feel the guys pain
• ReplyStupidMemesstudios Rest in piece to the soldiers who died saving our country
• ReplyEmperorVader1 This why… FURRIES SHOULD FUCKING DIE
• ReplyToMonsterr R.I.P to these soldiers who never saw their family’s after dying in the war protecting us and R.I.P to the people who agreed with the furry because they are about to meet a bus and death
• ReplyJetstreamHunter0220 This is why i hate gays and furries...this is why i always respect veterans no matter if they a soviet,nazi,or just a normal american i respect them and they also inspired me to one day join air force or navy
• Replyeve_notpoop #makeamericagreatagain
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