TheRiddler Time for the bully to meet his doom
Yamber_The_Spamber Replace the friends with empty space and the big brother with my sister and you got it
Buff_Goku_Black This auto correct stuff really sucks
Buff_Goku_Black Na big man my brother would join on it beat me the crap out of the the chance he gets it
STOLEN.MEMES Do you wanna look at the best memes? Follow me for finding out the best stolen memes from all the server!
SANNESS Auto correct-dead
SANNESS Don't bully a kid cause the if they have w big brother y'all deaf
lol_100 As an older brother, I can confirm
Danny2009 Yes
hehe_funny_memes then. when the world needed him most. he vanished
shatteredglowstikks Big brain time
TheRealSCP_682 11, 13. I don’t fuck with 12 and it don’t fuck with me
hoodedwraith549 Lol
TheRiddler Time for the bully to meet his doom
Yamber_The_Spamber Replace the friends with empty space and the big brother with my sister and you got it
• ReplyBuff_Goku_Black This auto correct stuff really sucks
• ReplyBuff_Goku_Black Na big man my brother would join on it beat me the crap out of the the chance he gets it
• ReplySTOLEN.MEMES Do you wanna look at the best memes? Follow me for finding out the best stolen memes from all the server!
• ReplySTOLEN.MEMES Do you wanna look at the best memes? Follow me for finding out the best stolen memes from all the server!
• ReplySANNESS Auto correct-dead
• ReplySANNESS Don't bully a kid cause the if they have w big brother y'all deaf
• Replylol_100 As an older brother, I can confirm
• ReplyDanny2009 Yes
• ReplyGWEEN
hehe_funny_memes then. when the world needed him most. he vanished
• Replyshatteredglowstikks Big brain time
TheRealSCP_682 11, 13. I don’t fuck with 12 and it don’t fuck with me
• Replyhoodedwraith549 Lol
• Reply