I\u2019m lost for words\ud83d\ude2d
_BeetleJuice_ Follow me
fluffy_butt That guys feelings on the inside “ no my baby that took me 5 billion years to create. “
memeausaurus At least he has 40 more hours of entertainment. -Lazarbeam 2020
king_beetlejuice That was satisfying to watch
brianna3406 NOoOoOoOoOoO wHy ME WHy NOw
sprite_jhope Petition to brutally stab the kid to death say “I” 😤✊
dhrutube I'ma kill that kid may he be stabbed with metal straws
potato_mold The dad : you free trial of life has ended
majesticgrayduck Why was that satisfying as hell
Foxtrot_Actual The dad:
Entity_F That’s cruel
_BeetleJuice_ Follow me
• Replyfluffy_butt That guys feelings on the inside “ no my baby that took me 5 billion years to create. “
• Replymemeausaurus At least he has 40 more hours of entertainment. -Lazarbeam 2020
• Replyking_beetlejuice That was satisfying to watch
• Replyblank564
brianna3406 NOoOoOoOoOoO wHy ME WHy NOw
• Replybuckaroonie
sprite_jhope Petition to brutally stab the kid to death say “I” 😤✊
• Replydhrutube I'ma kill that kid may he be stabbed with metal straws
• Replypotato_mold The dad : you free trial of life has ended
• Replymajesticgrayduck Why was that satisfying as hell
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual The dad:
Entity_F That’s cruel
• Reply