Dude, fr tho I thought this was just me.
Clownylovesyou Same
Oneoftheforgersuwu I never got these many like or comments- thank you so much guys... this means a lot
I_left_the_app_lol I thought it was just me *cries*
bruh_sheeesh Bro why is this so accurate
Mo_Masch I do that with other remotes but I have an Apple remote so I can’t do it
leoking101 True
EnglishDream Mhm, facts my g!
H.m.m Lol every time lol
Art_And_Game_Memes #relatable
yeet_or_delete Facts 100
sidd_1 Why-
PizzaPineapple I just did this last night
developer99 Same
LordDio Indeed my fellow man of culture
The_bat Same
Clownylovesyou Same
• ReplyOneoftheforgersuwu I never got these many like or comments- thank you so much guys... this means a lot
• ReplyI_left_the_app_lol I thought it was just me *cries*
• Replybruh_sheeesh Bro why is this so accurate
• ReplyMo_Masch I do that with other remotes but I have an Apple remote so I can’t do it
• Replyleoking101 True
• ReplyEnglishDream Mhm, facts my g!
• ReplyH.m.m Lol every time lol
• ReplyArt_And_Game_Memes #relatable
• Replyyeet_or_delete Facts 100
• Replysidd_1 Why-
• ReplyPizzaPineapple I just did this last night
• Replydeveloper99 Same
• ReplyLordDio Indeed my fellow man of culture
• ReplyThe_bat Same
• Reply