Dang this is powerful, idk who needs to read this but please do it\u2019s never ok to do this no matter what is going on there are too many people that care about you don\u2019t ever think about it and, if you do remember people WILL MISS YOU AND WILL THINK THE SAME THING \u200b #true #notfunny please repost this many people need to hear it some people need to hear it and don\u2019t even know it so please take this post seriously

bruh.respectfully this is a big trigger for suicidal people
• Replyonepercentking Every repost this gets... gimme a like
• Replyalexandrmakalatia i aint about to read that
• Reply23Fvale8 What a faggot😂
• ReplyLocalMemeDealer Too long lol
• Replymemeboi2113 No thanks
• Replyme_no_stupid I am not saying that i am not thankful for my life. But I’d rather say that this girl at least got someone who cared about her. She at least got her parents and a kind little brother. Though i don’t know the whole incident/story but at least (to me) she got a bestie. I actually live with my foster parents and really my school’s system is so bad, the teachers practically don’t help in even serious incidents. I am always bullied and no one cares for me. I was a bit chilled when i started reading this post but later i felt ashamed of myself. I felt pretty good after reading this post.😄
• Replybillydamemer Damn that got dark real quick
• Replytha_dank_boi_ Shit got real fast
• Replylonelyweirdo Not that many people care about me..
• ReplyK1nG_0f_Bl4d3s Bro I agree like wtf I’m over here dying of latter then I see this shit dude
• Reply12yearoldmemegod I would repost but the only people to repost it to is my mom and dad and they already know this
• Replyi.am.mean guys remember this is an app for laughs, i got a good one out of this
• Replyi.am.mean ok this is a memes app fucking delete this this is can be a trigger for suicidal people.
• ReplyWIFILitwak how do you post?
• Reply