naren_naika 😂
menes 😂
mike_wazwoski Well better then my sleep schedule
my_gf_is_da_1_ Lmaoo
dvdinosaur Easy
zayking5909 How
alya.s.s I CAN HELP 😊 flip your pillow and then flip it, flip again, again,again,again,again,again,again,again, again... x1000 times TRUST ME YOU WILL FALL ASLEEP YoUr wELoMe
s4ucey Anyone else super excited for something to happen in the next three days so you look up “how to sleep for three days” or am I just weird
ViolentBreadStik so you sleep for 1 hour, open your clock on ur phone and pit back 1 hour, repeat
onepercentking Me coming back from Area 51 knowing how to sleep 8 hours in one hour
climbing_dots now i cant resist looking it up lmfao
naren_naika 😂
• Replymenes 😂
• Replydebates
• Replymike_wazwoski Well better then my sleep schedule
• Replymy_gf_is_da_1_ Lmaoo
• Replydvdinosaur Easy
• Replyzayking5909 How
• Replyalya.s.s I CAN HELP 😊 flip your pillow and then flip it, flip again, again,again,again,again,again,again,again, again... x1000 times TRUST ME YOU WILL FALL ASLEEP YoUr wELoMe
• Replys4ucey Anyone else super excited for something to happen in the next three days so you look up “how to sleep for three days” or am I just weird
• ReplyViolentBreadStik so you sleep for 1 hour, open your clock on ur phone and pit back 1 hour, repeat
• Replyonepercentking Me coming back from Area 51 knowing how to sleep 8 hours in one hour
• Replyclimbing_dots now i cant resist looking it up lmfao
• Reply