\u200b #GOKU
starrycactxus_ and then you speak up for a second then go back to the normal way u were talking and THEN they can hear 😒
boioboio Same
xXShy_ArtistXx I just dont speak, infront of the class.. im introverted
MaxZCrazyBunny Good
EZ10 Oh damnnn this accurate af
AvocadToast_Chan True
yeet_to_the_street FACTS
Chomsky_doge7204 U dare challenge me
phillymir215 This the one 😂😂😂
gailfrancette It happens to me:
Ultimatesimp Fuck-
hogmanrider Lets kill with grandma
lettyciardudley Ooh MG
BurningOrphanages I say that to my friend just to piss her off lmao
anonimos24101630 True
starrycactxus_ and then you speak up for a second then go back to the normal way u were talking and THEN they can hear 😒
• Replyboioboio Same
• ReplyxXShy_ArtistXx I just dont speak, infront of the class.. im introverted
• ReplyMaxZCrazyBunny Good
• ReplyEZ10 Oh damnnn this accurate af
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan True
• Replyyeet_to_the_street FACTS
• ReplyChomsky_doge7204 U dare challenge me
• Replyphillymir215 This the one 😂😂😂
• Replygailfrancette It happens to me:
Ultimatesimp Fuck-
• Replyhogmanrider Lets kill with grandma
• Replylettyciardudley Ooh MG
• ReplyBurningOrphanages I say that to my friend just to piss her off lmao
• Replyanonimos24101630 True
• Reply