Slight edit
Hellboi change Joker to the best kid
camargo Awesome. EH OH
greats_memes I am the one that already had rona and destroyed the shit out of it
A.I.D.E.N. I'm the cool one like if you are too
hina_hina I’m the exchange student/the political one XD
ya_gurl_dominique Idk why but joker hits different
TannerC0nnected Can I be two?
clownering why do people think i’m the ladies man student
itzzyass 😭😭😭
wielkikaras69 Im that wierd one c:
undertalelover I’m the weird one
Laugh_with_rola im a girl but lmao
vivien112panda We’re is the funny one
Yoinked can i be three at the same time?
evelyn5555 Wait this is gonna happen nah no school for me
Hellboi change Joker to the best kid
• Replycamargo Awesome. EH OH
• Replygreats_memes I am the one that already had rona and destroyed the shit out of it
• ReplyA.I.D.E.N. I'm the cool one like if you are too
• Replyhina_hina I’m the exchange student/the political one XD
• Replyya_gurl_dominique Idk why but joker hits different
• ReplyTannerC0nnected Can I be two?
• Replyclownering why do people think i’m the ladies man student
• Replyitzzyass 😭😭😭
• Replywielkikaras69 Im that wierd one c:
• Replyundertalelover I’m the weird one
• ReplyLaugh_with_rola im a girl but lmao
• Replyvivien112panda We’re is the funny one
• ReplyYoinked can i be three at the same time?
• Replyevelyn5555 Wait this is gonna happen nah no school for me
• Reply