So true \ud83e\udd23
i_freakin_love_memes We all know that there feet were nailed to the floor to begin with 😉
gethard Bruh u see his hat...
pikalugia7 Yeah, but they figured out how to make them stand up
pineapplesrule Every time it’s loud the broom sits there, but when everyone stops talking it goes crazy!
1dmemesteehee ooooh my broom is so OLD it doesn’t do this 😭
myorangejuiceisfound Jokes on you that’s my SWIFFER
lifeshardoof Fr
Itsuka_Kendo Perfection
Ileftmemes I don’t get it.
Walbash_Charlie Significant
leiland Hahahaha
Prettysissysinheat You copied a meme I saw on Snapchat
very_random_memes I did that
i_freakin_love_memes We all know that there feet were nailed to the floor to begin with 😉
• Replygethard Bruh u see his hat...
• Replypikalugia7 Yeah, but they figured out how to make them stand up
• Replypineapplesrule Every time it’s loud the broom sits there, but when everyone stops talking it goes crazy!
• Replymugs SOOOO TRUEEE😂😂😂
• Reply1dmemesteehee ooooh my broom is so OLD it doesn’t do this 😭
• Replymyorangejuiceisfound Jokes on you that’s my SWIFFER
• Replylifeshardoof Fr
• ReplyItsuka_Kendo Perfection
• ReplyIleftmemes I don’t get it.
• ReplyWalbash_Charlie Significant
• ReplyWalbash_Charlie
leiland Hahahaha
• ReplyPrettysissysinheat You copied a meme I saw on Snapchat
• Replyvery_random_memes I did that
• Reply