Poor kitty cat can’t even play with it but but who would ever get that or buy that or make that for there for the car like man poor cat OK if you just can’t play with it like if you’re staring at it like I want to play with it was bigger
Bruh if you just take that and zoom it in a bit then it will look big and the cat would be like inside it... OPTICAL ILLUSION SPOTTED!!
No_Drip_T Yeah that’s why I never order cats online
• Replypredators222 that cat is fucking massive!
• Replykatnisseverdeen129 Ya
• Replyi_like_potatoe_chips
im_the_not_funny_aussie_girl Poor kitty
• ReplyBlueberry_ Poor kitty cat can’t even play with it but but who would ever get that or buy that or make that for there for the car like man poor cat OK if you just can’t play with it like if you’re staring at it like I want to play with it was bigger
• Replygalaxy_wolf2143 Poor kitty
• Replycharlithegoat Poor cat lol
• Replycharlithegoat Haha lol
• Replyximena09 Jajajajajaja
• Replyrenatax11 The best!
• ReplyGodOfMemeAndMortalz Bruh if you just take that and zoom it in a bit then it will look big and the cat would be like inside it... OPTICAL ILLUSION SPOTTED!!
• Replykk_pro 😂
• Reply_._Jikook_._ That looks like me when I have to do anything related to school
• ReplyGraceG Ghat is so true
• Reply