STEALT_BLADE @saintdave16 what this character?
TheDONFATHER Violets are red , roses are blue, if you talk to me one more time I will friggin Impale you! I don’t care if you try to defend because I will make it a painful END
disable_Abel Roses are red children are hungry I steal all their cash I take all their money
STEALT_BLADE roses are red violets are blue, florida man will returned while you dont
TOM_NOOK_OFFICIAL Violets are blue your blood is red your window was open I’m under your bed
STEALT_BLADE @saintdave16 what this character?
• ReplyTheDONFATHER Violets are red , roses are blue, if you talk to me one more time I will friggin Impale you! I don’t care if you try to defend because I will make it a painful END
• Replydisable_Abel Roses are red children are hungry I steal all their cash I take all their money
• ReplySTEALT_BLADE roses are red violets are blue, florida man will returned while you dont
• ReplyTOM_NOOK_OFFICIAL Violets are blue your blood is red your window was open I’m under your bed
• Reply