buffers LOLOL
UrSleepParalysisDemon just some sound wave of a nokia
Epic_dragon 😐
Skelly_inc_Memes They embalmed him with viagra or some shit
boom.mia Umm... why?
le6meme9james Die hard is my favorite movie
wolfgamermemer.com Lmao
big_smoke. Oh i think his flashbacks was some porn
hulksmash44 what kind of dream did he have again
lezceryduran Ok that shit had some hard and long stuff
1XFuntimeFredChanX1 Wtf is poking up outta his pelvis-
buffers LOLOL
• ReplyUrSleepParalysisDemon just some sound wave of a nokia
• ReplyEpic_dragon 😐
• Replyit_is_wednsday DAAAAAHHHHHHMMMMMM
• ReplySkelly_inc_Memes They embalmed him with viagra or some shit
• Replyboom.mia Umm... why?
• Replyle6meme9james Die hard is my favorite movie
• Replywolfgamermemer.com Lmao
• Replybig_smoke. Oh i think his flashbacks was some porn
• Replyhulksmash44 what kind of dream did he have again
• Replylezceryduran Ok that shit had some hard and long stuff
• Reply1XFuntimeFredChanX1 Wtf is poking up outta his pelvis-
• Reply