Y e s \u200b #funny \u200b #true \u200b #memes \u200b #true
white_towel Im to tears
burnt_spaghetti_124 Why yesxD
mandygirl66 Oof
Annathememegirl When your sitting on the toilet for too long
Somic Somic
aacciidd That's funny i got the same
Boba_isdelish Me when i have a tummyachc and its just cloged diarea (and smells bad)
hiboyoy #butt burn
carrotboi_1234 Bruh..this happened to me at school yesterday.
idk_what_life_is Im dying of laughter 😂😂😂😂😂
ima_joke12 Oop that is meh everyday
angentsizzling Facts
your_local_noob So true though
white_towel Im to tears
burnt_spaghetti_124 Why yesxD
• Replymandygirl66 Oof
• ReplyAnnathememegirl When your sitting on the toilet for too long
• ReplySomic Somic
• Replyaacciidd That's funny i got the same
• ReplyBoba_isdelish Me when i have a tummyachc and its just cloged diarea (and smells bad)
• Replyhiboyoy #butt burn
• Replycarrotboi_1234 Bruh..this happened to me at school yesterday.
• Replyidk_what_life_is Im dying of laughter 😂😂😂😂😂
• Replyima_joke12 Oop that is meh everyday
• Replyangentsizzling Facts
• Replynamankememes
your_local_noob So true though
• Reply