cool_memer_xx Haha
lonelyweirdo The blind person heard it, the mute person wrote it, and the dead person saw it
girlisagirl They are acting
justcallmedabi If he is mute he could still talk but they prefer not to
Thehotcat Lol I'm literally dying
buskey Kowalski Analyst
tyongdu Lol I died when I saw this😂
xBriana_Brix My face: 😀😃😮😯
sparkles09 Umm...
Darth_Joker Simple… the doctor lied…
LaZylMemer Bruh calm down
cw6u69phde This is funny
cool_memer_xx Haha
• Replymemesofkyle
lonelyweirdo The blind person heard it, the mute person wrote it, and the dead person saw it
• Replygirlisagirl They are acting
• Replyjustcallmedabi If he is mute he could still talk but they prefer not to
• ReplyThehotcat Lol I'm literally dying
• Replybuskey Kowalski Analyst
• Replytyongdu Lol I died when I saw this😂
• ReplyxBriana_Brix My face: 😀😃😮😯
• Replysparkles09 Umm...
• ReplyDarth_Joker Simple… the doctor lied…
• ReplyLaZylMemer Bruh calm down
• Replycw6u69phde This is funny
• Reply