Which one are you?
white_towel How cats waste tires
dexruthless I’m a full man then camber it fucking stupid unless it’s for a good reason and then I only do it by alittle bit because camber can help with your raci g nascar cambers there cars
Memey_McMeme_Face ill do both aye, a r32 with camber and a vs Commodore just for the burnouts
memesdoctor I’m a guy and I race on my phone XD
derpy_memer_girl I'm a 12 year old girl and I still find this funny
foxwolf I’m a girl and I race sometimes
kingjarell I dont drive but when I start rapping I'll be men
miniw4ffle Yes they do
cowboy_posts Real men drive trucks
white_towel How cats waste tires
dexruthless I’m a full man then camber it fucking stupid unless it’s for a good reason and then I only do it by alittle bit because camber can help with your raci g nascar cambers there cars
• ReplyMemey_McMeme_Face ill do both aye, a r32 with camber and a vs Commodore just for the burnouts
• Replymemesdoctor I’m a guy and I race on my phone XD
• Replyderpy_memer_girl I'm a 12 year old girl and I still find this funny
• Replyfoxwolf I’m a girl and I race sometimes
• Replykingjarell I dont drive but when I start rapping I'll be men
• Replyminiw4ffle Yes they do
• Replycowboy_posts Real men drive trucks
• Reply