Such a struggle...
Masooon Facts that always happens
aboling729 fr
The_memes_of_the_random and then the phone just breaks apart from the charger while in the middle of pulling it up
Chimgadarh I am the one who liked it 500th times
littlepanda101 I do that with my charger cord that I swear is 6 feet long
Fat_Chungus_101 That happens to me everyday. It’s a miracle
adi-jones_1608927463 True😭🤣🤣🤣
danielthememer BAHAHA
Panncakes #ButterFingers
CloaKzY Frrr 😭😭
Misslauren FACTS
fake_fairytales UwU👌
davonc11 I CANT DENY
leoking101 Yes, the true test of strength
MemeMaker0181 True lmao
Masooon Facts that always happens
• Replyaboling729 fr
• ReplyThe_memes_of_the_random and then the phone just breaks apart from the charger while in the middle of pulling it up
• ReplyChimgadarh I am the one who liked it 500th times
• Replylittlepanda101 I do that with my charger cord that I swear is 6 feet long
• ReplyFat_Chungus_101 That happens to me everyday. It’s a miracle
• Replyadi-jones_1608927463 True😭🤣🤣🤣
• Replydanielthememer BAHAHA
• ReplyPanncakes #ButterFingers
• ReplyCloaKzY Frrr 😭😭
• ReplyMisslauren FACTS
• Replyfake_fairytales UwU👌
• Replydavonc11 I CANT DENY
• Replyleoking101 Yes, the true test of strength
• ReplyMemeMaker0181 True lmao
• Reply