So these people who have never actually faught in a war are insulting people for fighting for the right to have parts of their identities accepted for whi they are while all these white straight people are being rude and violent while the victims get mire
So these people who have never actually faught in a war are insulting people for fighting for the right to have parts of their identities accepted for whi they are while all these white straight people are being rude and violent while the victims get mire
So these people who have never actually faught in a war are insulting people for fighting for the right to have parts of their identities accepted for whi they are while all these white straight people are being rude and violent while the victims get mire
Shootings, stabbings, fights, yelling, threats, no government support, losing family and friends, insults, vandalism, and the list goes on and on and on. Stop acting like we are not constantly in battle because we aren’t some white guys from a hundred years ago!
Ok, you lgbtq people are not only disrespecting our people who risked or sacrificed their lives to protect us, but you are mocking them, this is just too far
Leave us alone, we will fight for our rights because we want to show we are normal human beings just like anybody else. We are valid and have human rights to stand up for ourselves.
Nevergonnagiveyouup___ *jail
• ReplyNevergonnagiveyouup___ *more jaile time
• ReplyNevergonnagiveyouup___ So these people who have never actually faught in a war are insulting people for fighting for the right to have parts of their identities accepted for whi they are while all these white straight people are being rude and violent while the victims get mire
• ReplyNevergonnagiveyouup___ So these people who have never actually faught in a war are insulting people for fighting for the right to have parts of their identities accepted for whi they are while all these white straight people are being rude and violent while the victims get mire
• ReplyNevergonnagiveyouup___ So these people who have never actually faught in a war are insulting people for fighting for the right to have parts of their identities accepted for whi they are while all these white straight people are being rude and violent while the victims get mire
• ReplyNevergonnagiveyouup___ Shootings, stabbings, fights, yelling, threats, no government support, losing family and friends, insults, vandalism, and the list goes on and on and on. Stop acting like we are not constantly in battle because we aren’t some white guys from a hundred years ago!
• ReplyzNCfVj19om I agree with you and I’m not straight this is wrong
• ReplyMooface27_686 Ok, you lgbtq people are not only disrespecting our people who risked or sacrificed their lives to protect us, but you are mocking them, this is just too far
• ReplyMemeGawd10506 I love the second picture
• ReplyLauren.D No, we don’t fight in the war, but we fight our own mental battles every day.
• ReplyBoo.the.who92311 250 trans people were murdered in 2020 for being trans
• ReplyOofers123 Leave us alone, we will fight for our rights because we want to show we are normal human beings just like anybody else. We are valid and have human rights to stand up for ourselves.
• ReplyAnartist_09 Okay everyone! It’s clear we all have drastically different views on this topic. Let’s put our differences aside and stop fighting, yes?
• ReplyDo_It Dem shirtless bros kinda hot tho 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
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