REPOST IF YOU WANT!! And I swear if any of you say weird.potato-
Drninja167 Dog
thankful_skittles f*ck the caption weird.potato
emmaboiiii0123 Obama
BryceTheBodacious *evil smile*
weird.potato lmao the caption tho- and WHY TF ONLY ME Y'ALL????
AVEMI.EXE lol i have only one answer which i can't say according to the caption
Quinnelle I gotta be honest. I feel its weird π₯
mysterious_tix Imma repost this later at night bcuz most of yall aren't even awake rnn
Drninja167 Dog
• Replythankful_skittles f*ck the caption weird.potato
• Replyemmaboiiii0123 Obama
• ReplyBryceTheBodacious *evil smile*
• Replyweird.potato lmao the caption tho- and WHY TF ONLY ME Y'ALL????
• ReplyAVEMI.EXE lol i have only one answer which i can't say according to the caption
• ReplyQuinnelle I gotta be honest. I feel its weird π₯
• Replymysterious_tix Imma repost this later at night bcuz most of yall aren't even awake rnn
• Reply