addusernamehere This is boys with anything 😂
meems_could_never y’all be nasty @shaxx
Idk_my_user_xd Me: *Sees the word shampoo* Y O U ‘ R E C O M I N G W I T H M E
shaxx Bruh I use the bar of soap that washes the rest of me
billi_memes Im a girl and i get shampoo that i see first
wassup_8waitwut Imma make soap my shampoo i dont have shampoo :D
monsterinside Yes
cottoncandyinky 🤣
Theyb I am a plant so I am neither
zodiac_things Hey guys if you want daily uploads then come and follow me and I will follow you back. I promise that you won’t be disappointed
Manjiro_IM_TANJIRO But I’m a girl and do what the boys do
soulaimaneakdah Shampoo is Shampoo!
verified.tiktoks Repost?
its_ur_ugly_loser For some reason I can’t relate
addusernamehere This is boys with anything 😂
• Replymeems_could_never y’all be nasty @shaxx
• ReplyIdk_my_user_xd Me: *Sees the word shampoo* Y O U ‘ R E C O M I N G W I T H M E
• Replyshaxx Bruh I use the bar of soap that washes the rest of me
• Replybilli_memes Im a girl and i get shampoo that i see first
• Replywassup_8waitwut Imma make soap my shampoo i dont have shampoo :D
• Replymonsterinside Yes
• Replycottoncandyinky 🤣
• ReplyTheyb I am a plant so I am neither
• Replyzodiac_things Hey guys if you want daily uploads then come and follow me and I will follow you back. I promise that you won’t be disappointed
• ReplyManjiro_IM_TANJIRO But I’m a girl and do what the boys do
• Replyglitchyboi
soulaimaneakdah Shampoo is Shampoo!
• Replyverified.tiktoks Repost?
• Replyits_ur_ugly_loser For some reason I can’t relate
• Reply