This literally happened the other night I was talking to my cousin on a headset and we found diamonds he jokingly said “I’m MaKiNg A hOe” and then the meme happened
Why are they cats and why do they have an Amazon box also the cat is in creative mode in wich you have unlimited diamonds so this doesn’t make any sense at all
not2special Next line: I wasn’t talking about minecraft
• Replylekeizion He only has a iron hoe
• ReplyXxAligachaboi14xX I play it on my phone
• Replyyeetboiiiiiiii Who said he was????
• Replyget_deleted_ Who plays Minecraft like that on a switch xD
• Replyle6meme9james Wow furry
• Replyonepercentking This meme tho
• ReplyLord_Eat_memes This literally happened the other night I was talking to my cousin on a headset and we found diamonds he jokingly said “I’m MaKiNg A hOe” and then the meme happened
• Replyjaythedoge Hahaha
• Replys653810 When my mom doesn’t like us cussing
• ReplyViolentBreadStik why they cars
• ReplyDoIt4DaMeme.com true...
• ReplyQWERTY_63637 Why are they cats and why do they have an Amazon box also the cat is in creative mode in wich you have unlimited diamonds so this doesn’t make any sense at all
• ReplyItachi.Uchiha Minecraft teaches life lessons
• ReplyViolentBreadStik amazon
• Reply