My stand is Rapgod! #stand_arrow
I_WATCH_YOU_SLEEP Micheal Jackson
marshall5466 Whiskey glasses
Sanicthehge CG5
adawg2099 Silverstein band
Im_autistic My favorite band is probably seether and careless whisper by them is pretty 👍
the_last_sigmwoman The band that I have listen to recently journey and the song is stone in love
The_last_sigmmale My favorite band is Volbeat and my song is twilight zone
I_WATCH_YOU_SLEEP Micheal Jackson
• Replymarshall5466 Whiskey glasses
• ReplySanicthehge CG5
• Replyadawg2099 Silverstein band
• ReplyIm_autistic My favorite band is probably seether and careless whisper by them is pretty 👍
• Replythe_last_sigmwoman The band that I have listen to recently journey and the song is stone in love
• ReplyThe_last_sigmmale My favorite band is Volbeat and my song is twilight zone
• Reply