thats what always happens when my brother comes into my room 5 times per night, ill scream and yell until he comes back to turn off the light. its the same thing about closing my door
When your mom comes in and turns on the lights while you're watching anime and at that percise moment it shows huge hooters on screen and she gives you a whole boomer lecture and then leaves while taking your devices grounding you for a month and leaving the lights on and the door wide open
KRAZY72 thats what always happens when my brother comes into my room 5 times per night, ill scream and yell until he comes back to turn off the light. its the same thing about closing my door
• ReplyJustice4Cops and with the door open
• Replymelizabeth88 That's exactly how I feel when someone forgets to close the refrigerator and says that I left it open
• ReplytripleFFF I feel like kicking his a$$
• Replylittlepanda101 My mom
• Replyeap706 It’s also so annoying when it ripped come into my room, leave and don’t close the door ugh
• ReplyToyota_Supbruh10355 F
• ReplyCloaKzY I stg..
• ReplyxX_Fish_Xx When your mom comes in and turns on the lights while you're watching anime and at that percise moment it shows huge hooters on screen and she gives you a whole boomer lecture and then leaves while taking your devices grounding you for a month and leaving the lights on and the door wide open
• Replylil_wrld Pissesss my tf off like how are you that dumb mf hope they rot in piss for life
• ReplyCinnamon_God Same
• ReplyBang_i_ded Pain.
• ReplyH...dia They dont know the value of electricity and money
• ReplyDeedles Me to like why come in in the first place
• Reply