A plant minute is no regular minute! #birdsoup
shrek69420 A plank minute is longer than a regular minute
flymiamibro_22 Then there is the 5 second ad
lovehappynis Follow me
risky_memes13 A plant minute?
and_i_yeet_bakahoe It’s true though ;-;
geniuschrmr I go for five minutes and I feel like an hour..
anna_banana127 I did that for a minute once and I really was the longest minute of my life
gucci_general #so true
dude__ Can you do a face reveal only if you would like or are comfortable 🙂
www_eva_com_uwu The longest minute of most peoples lives is braces molds 😬🤢🤮
Moststufforeo Our gym teacher made us do it for 2 minutes! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜µðŸ˜µ
jaebumsforehead This is accurate
abdel A bird is stuck in lego city!
mememarina So true
amazinggrace Can sooo relate
shrek69420 A plank minute is longer than a regular minute
• Replyflymiamibro_22 Then there is the 5 second ad
• Replylovehappynis Follow me
• Replyrisky_memes13 A plant minute?
• Replyand_i_yeet_bakahoe It’s true though ;-;
• Replygeniuschrmr I go for five minutes and I feel like an hour..
• Replyanna_banana127 I did that for a minute once and I really was the longest minute of my life
• Replygucci_general #so true
• Replydude__ Can you do a face reveal only if you would like or are comfortable 🙂
• Replywww_eva_com_uwu The longest minute of most peoples lives is braces molds 😬🤢🤮
• ReplyMoststufforeo Our gym teacher made us do it for 2 minutes! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜µðŸ˜µ
• Replyjaebumsforehead This is accurate
• Replyabdel A bird is stuck in lego city!
• Replymememarina So true
• Replyamazinggrace Can sooo relate
• Reply