fazlulhaqueasri ফাক বয়
sweetsparkles I read it as if not then if now when
DATBOI67 Stares mother frickerly
fuzzypinkninja Oof
._Blank_. If now not when then
Your.Local.Idiot Took me a sec to understand-
IAmVeryUgly I had to look at this for a solid minute to figure out what it was saying
Nicola_Barnucklehead Bruh that’s so trippy
SweatyMemes09 If not now when then
EmbryPR0 im confused
AvocadToast_Chan Lol
ActuallyAxi My mind has gone crazy now-
clownering ifnoejwuahwywh
fazlulhaqueasri ফাক বয়
sweetsparkles I read it as if not then if now when
• ReplyDATBOI67 Stares mother frickerly
fuzzypinkninja Oof
• Reply._Blank_. If now not when then
• ReplyYour.Local.Idiot Took me a sec to understand-
• ReplyIAmVeryUgly I had to look at this for a solid minute to figure out what it was saying
• ReplyNicola_Barnucklehead Bruh that’s so trippy
• ReplySweatyMemes09 If not now when then
• ReplyEmbryPR0 im confused
• Replycam111e HAHAHAHAHAHA
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Lol
• ReplyActuallyAxi My mind has gone crazy now-
• Replyclownering ifnoejwuahwywh
• Reply