drylife10962 I keep the entire house dark all day all night
wolfiegirl_averie Well-
underground_clown SPC
DailyDoseOfLamp I don’t either lol
Rawell normal! close eyes and walk🤧😄😄😄
ATLAlover100 I run as fast as I can 😂
bLaCkCaT_87 I still run to my bed when I turn my light off lol,mostly cuz I 10 soooooo😂
among_us_death Me tryna turn off the light while runing: me: *seea something*
spiiter So strong
DeezGodDamnAmongUsMemes Wowowowoowowow
THE_ACE_OF_JOKES Nah, when the lights go off, I run like my life depends on it. Which, it might 😂
meme_boi_0 FACTS boi
xXShy_ArtistXx i.dont sleep.with the lights off
FnfAndKpopFan Lol
Pennywiser Amateur! I raced with demons in the purgatory with all my senses closed. Technically I was in a comma
drylife10962 I keep the entire house dark all day all night
• Replywolfiegirl_averie Well-
• Replyunderground_clown SPC
• ReplyDailyDoseOfLamp I don’t either lol
• ReplyRawell normal! close eyes and walk🤧😄😄😄
• ReplyATLAlover100 I run as fast as I can 😂
• ReplybLaCkCaT_87 I still run to my bed when I turn my light off lol,mostly cuz I 10 soooooo😂
• Replyamong_us_death Me tryna turn off the light while runing: me: *seea something*
spiiter So strong
• ReplyDeezGodDamnAmongUsMemes Wowowowoowowow
• ReplyTHE_ACE_OF_JOKES Nah, when the lights go off, I run like my life depends on it. Which, it might 😂
• Replymeme_boi_0 FACTS boi
• ReplyxXShy_ArtistXx i.dont sleep.with the lights off
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan Lol
• ReplyPennywiser Amateur! I raced with demons in the purgatory with all my senses closed. Technically I was in a comma
• Reply