Snackinonsnacks Don't understand this and I still laugh
Drippy_Chicken 99% dont know what they are protesting
kamhasspecialmemes im neutral but it’s annoying when protesters stop traffic and people who don’t know shit about what’s happening overseas
ThatBasilisk I'm pro Israel but this is absolutely hilarious
that1guy22442 Bruh honestly people who talk about this war are mostly dumb bcs they think they know shit but they don’t the Israel and Palestine conflict goes back decades upon decades of years
Snackinonsnacks Don't understand this and I still laugh
• ReplyDrippy_Chicken 99% dont know what they are protesting
• Replykamhasspecialmemes im neutral but it’s annoying when protesters stop traffic and people who don’t know shit about what’s happening overseas
• ReplyThatBasilisk I'm pro Israel but this is absolutely hilarious
• Replythat1guy22442 Bruh honestly people who talk about this war are mostly dumb bcs they think they know shit but they don’t the Israel and Palestine conflict goes back decades upon decades of years
• Reply