your_mother_olga Its good that you think so and you should ignore them but no one is a mistake!
no_name_random_person Just ignore them, if you don’t give them attention they’ll stop
menachem_mendel 🅱️🅰️11z
I_need_mental_help I got u bro
viktormirga789 dont worry i got ur back bro
former_canibal Wow your popular enough for people to spend time to hate on you! Congrats
SwanBOSS Member_5489 is a savage
memer_5489 Shut up
dank_amazin funny meme
fox__r0x Said it like a champ
rtro_gmr21 Why u get hate when u right tho
kingtron1113 Wait if they morivate you then...
meme_dogo I mean they are not wrong but still hate is bad (ım trying to be as kind as possible but what people are saying are not hate its kibda facts)
b_dubs12 It’s kinda expected when half your posts aren’t memes and most of these memes if not all are not even yours
your_mother_olga Its good that you think so and you should ignore them but no one is a mistake!
• Replyno_name_random_person Just ignore them, if you don’t give them attention they’ll stop
• Replymenachem_mendel 🅱️🅰️11z
• Replyjonathansgoldfish1a
• ReplyI_need_mental_help I got u bro
• Replyviktormirga789 dont worry i got ur back bro
• Replyformer_canibal Wow your popular enough for people to spend time to hate on you! Congrats
• ReplySwanBOSS Member_5489 is a savage
• Replymemer_5489 Shut up
• Replydank_amazin funny meme
• Replyfox__r0x Said it like a champ
• Replyrtro_gmr21 Why u get hate when u right tho
• Replykingtron1113 Wait if they morivate you then...
• Replymeme_dogo I mean they are not wrong but still hate is bad (ım trying to be as kind as possible but what people are saying are not hate its kibda facts)
• Replyb_dubs12 It’s kinda expected when half your posts aren’t memes and most of these memes if not all are not even yours
• Reply