Excuse me but who are you to disrespect someone who didn't even do anything but have a different opinion than you?!?! This needs to stop. You've bullying people on @killjoy_weirdo post , you can't accept the fact that you're religion is NOT supreme to everyone else's and you've made very rude post against me!! Yet you claim to fight for equality!! No you're not a Christian. You are either an atheist or an agnostic Christian (someone who believes in the Christian god but is not apart of an organized branch of christianity and doesn't follow the teachings of the bible) . Tell me why we should change the bible every time someone gets offended by something in it!! The first amendment states that we the people have the right of religion. Not only leftists snowflakes have the right of religion!! So stop acting like you're superior! How can we truly call ourselves a free country if we are constantly trying to change religion based on one's own personal preference?!? Homosexuals and transgenders aren't so important to the point where we should bow down to their wishes and break the constitution. No one is above the constitution not even LGBTQ! No wonder why people don't like the LGBTQ community!! It's people like you who give it such a bad reputation among conservatives. Just leave us alone! That is not a request I'm taking lightly! If you don't like us block us! That's what one trans person did and they were surprisingly respectful about it. Either learn to disagree politely or scroll. It's sickening that bullies like you can get away with this stuff now a days.
How.to.be.invisible.101 PLEASE READ CAPTION ABOVE THIS MEME BEFORE COMMENTING!!! IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO READ THE WHOLE THING!! (Sorry for the caps lock but I'm very serious about this)
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