We lost many good soldiers and I feel sad when someone quits memes it’s quite sad I will honor the fallen memes and make them great again!
I've been here for more than two years. I couldn't post so i just reposted other peoples memes. I haven't really been using the app at all. But thank you for the awesome memories you gave me. Thank you AbelReal. Thank you paulmcpoopieface. Thank you meme_man445. Thank you grimm.
We lost many along the way and made wonderful memories but now we've gained new members to create even better memories. Said by some wise guy I don't know
The apple tree dies before the rain. It drops its seeds so they can grow into trees and do the same. Even dead, they leave a mark for people to see, making apples for you and me.
thedailymememaster We lost many good soldiers and I feel sad when someone quits memes it’s quite sad I will honor the fallen memes and make them great again!
• Replyrecep_ivedik I've been here for more than two years. I couldn't post so i just reposted other peoples memes. I haven't really been using the app at all. But thank you for the awesome memories you gave me. Thank you AbelReal. Thank you paulmcpoopieface. Thank you meme_man445. Thank you grimm.
• Replyswagger_chief Been here for 4 years seen many famous memers
• ReplyComrade_cornchip Dead: mamapusse, mornincupojoe, me, papa cracker,, and many others
• ReplyDamemedood Ive been here since mid 2023
• ReplyET3RN4LH3LL_AKA_THECROISSANTMAN We lost many along the way and made wonderful memories but now we've gained new members to create even better memories. Said by some wise guy I don't know
• ReplyGrimmmm I’ve been here since early 2021, oh the times gone by bro.
• Replyebola_da_worm And now in 2024 I got nostalgic and got it again starting with a tugalugi meme
• Replyebola_da_worm So I made memes that I couldn't save
• Replyebola_da_worm But I couldn't sign in
• Replyebola_da_worm I first used the app in 2021
• Replyebola_da_worm Dang 50 days feels like 4 years to me😕
• ReplySnackinonsnacks Been here for almost a year. Not going anywhere :)
• Replymeme_man445 I'll never leave and never give up
• ReplyDr_gorillaz The apple tree dies before the rain. It drops its seeds so they can grow into trees and do the same. Even dead, they leave a mark for people to see, making apples for you and me.
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