He only wanted a soft serve #floridaman #saveamerica
redpanda1234 I don’t really believe this but I left a heart on it anyway so... yea
Pianoboy07 Something is always wrong with Florida
Harveyandstuart lana del rey
korigrieb222 Why is this so true
NerfOrDeath. Me
PizzaPineapple Good ole Florida
LaLaLyv Rightfully so that dam thing is always broken
dickle_pickle He did what he had to do
4X0 Okay, I can’t blame him for that.
Paul. And whats wrong exactly
qwixxy *florida man intensifies*
soviet_tachanka Holy shit I was thinking about doing that but he did it for me
Username_Here AND THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I DONT GET MY MCFLURRY!!! *pulls out shotgun*
notactiveanymore I would pull a gun out if there was no French fries
redpanda1234 I don’t really believe this but I left a heart on it anyway so... yea
• ReplyPianoboy07 Something is always wrong with Florida
• ReplyHarveyandstuart lana del rey
• Replykorigrieb222 Why is this so true
• ReplyNerfOrDeath. Me
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Good ole Florida
• ReplyLaLaLyv Rightfully so that dam thing is always broken
• Replydickle_pickle He did what he had to do
• Reply4X0 Okay, I can’t blame him for that.
• ReplyPaul. And whats wrong exactly
• ReplyJason0223 I ALWAYS HATE THAT
• Replyqwixxy *florida man intensifies*
• Replysoviet_tachanka Holy shit I was thinking about doing that but he did it for me
• ReplyUsername_Here AND THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I DONT GET MY MCFLURRY!!! *pulls out shotgun*
• Replynotactiveanymore I would pull a gun out if there was no French fries
• Reply