You may have the correct facts, it’s all about delivery. So while the facts may be true, you could also be disrespect on how to deliver the information. Besides, as the child, the fact that you argue with you parents is disrespect and the fact they argue back show they childish
The_weeber If I did that to my family I would get whooped cause my family’s Hispanic
• ReplyFat_Fingers You may have the correct facts, it’s all about delivery. So while the facts may be true, you could also be disrespect on how to deliver the information. Besides, as the child, the fact that you argue with you parents is disrespect and the fact they argue back show they childish
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan ㅣㅐㅣ ㅡㅁ갸ㅐ
• Replywassup_weebs At least you in a black family or any other family that will kill if you talk back you’ll be ok
• Replymeme_dash So long gay bowser!
• Replyhoussemchkire