Did you know ? #science
fortnite_memez Awww. Everything has a silver lining 🙂
Foxtrot_Actual If it’s ice and seas are supposed to be filled with water it wouldn’t be a sea would it
baby_yodacute El meme guy, you are STUPID
baby_yodacute YES I AM A ASTRONOMER
blueunoreversecard Who hurt you?
el_meme_guy Puto is not real i think
BARRY_ALLEN Dude im a science nerd and I learned that by research so basically your just copying off the Wikipedia
Mr_Meme_64 My rival in a nutshell
mattrlloyd Sounds about right...
tootalljeff2019 Every girl ever
Tammy.Thompson.Perry Damnnnn
lucid_illusions__ Damn. Pluto got a cold heart.
the_kitty_cat_60d So that means hearts does not always mean love it could mean 💀 DEATH
fortnite_memez Awww. Everything has a silver lining 🙂
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual If it’s ice and seas are supposed to be filled with water it wouldn’t be a sea would it
• Replybaby_yodacute El meme guy, you are STUPID
• Replybaby_yodacute YES I AM A ASTRONOMER
• Replyblueunoreversecard Who hurt you?
• Replyel_meme_guy Puto is not real i think
• ReplyBARRY_ALLEN Dude im a science nerd and I learned that by research so basically your just copying off the Wikipedia
• ReplyMr_Meme_64 My rival in a nutshell
• Replymattrlloyd Sounds about right...
• Replytootalljeff2019 Every girl ever
• ReplyTammy.Thompson.Perry Damnnnn
• Replylucid_illusions__ Damn. Pluto got a cold heart.
• Replythe_kitty_cat_60d So that means hearts does not always mean love it could mean 💀 DEATH
• Replyababsurdo
• Replychuyon21
• Reply