I\u2019ll answer #idk
deathkorpscommander where do you live
sum_goober If you had to start a fight with one word that isn’t a swear word or racial slur, what would it be
Badger9222996 What’s your favorite flavor of rubber
Just_A_LittIe_Toxic What’s your opinion on gay ppl
T85_Jr I know you simp Anime Characters but do you simp Memers here and when yes, who? (I have my Money on either @Screamerr or @FishToeJax)
deathkorpscommander where do you live
• Replysum_goober If you had to start a fight with one word that isn’t a swear word or racial slur, what would it be
• ReplyBadger9222996 What’s your favorite flavor of rubber
• ReplyJust_A_LittIe_Toxic What’s your opinion on gay ppl
• ReplybeeschurgerX
• ReplyT85_Jr I know you simp Anime Characters but do you simp Memers here and when yes, who? (I have my Money on either @Screamerr or @FishToeJax)
• Reply