yobarma Sounds like a plan
anti_scientism Vaccines are killing our children
cozmex_hero YEA PROVE THAT
tanguytrevisan There are no vaccines for the coronavirus yet so it doesn't matter if you are vaccined or not idiots
Bobby_100 🤣
Toxic_Slayer 😂😂
1dmemesteehee 😂 😂 😂
Mr.InSaNe This better happen
depressed_pandalover Yes this is what we need from them to do so they take shots for once lol
yobarma Sounds like a plan
• Replyanti_scientism Vaccines are killing our children
• Replycozmex_hero YEA PROVE THAT
• Replytanguytrevisan There are no vaccines for the coronavirus yet so it doesn't matter if you are vaccined or not idiots
• ReplyBobby_100 🤣
• ReplyToxic_Slayer 😂😂
• Replybenji2kold
• Reply1dmemesteehee 😂 😂 😂
• ReplyMr.InSaNe This better happen
• Replydepressed_pandalover Yes this is what we need from them to do so they take shots for once lol
• Reply