Darth_Joker I am i the only one who immediately thought of alien?
fluffy_doge I would take the snake out of it
funnycat20 Why 420 Likes
ashley.drye Yea your right Maggie
ashley.drye Poor snake
maggiegaut Does anyone this that the roof of the snakes mouth looks like a human face
ugandan_newkuls Stolen
officeboys Stolen
comedyrobbie :0 this made me smarter I don’t know why but it did
EJsWRLD The "Stolen" is contagious
fuuuuu It look like a alien form the alien movie
MightyHawk_911 SAVE MEEEEEEEE!
sodenistartednarutorunning The snake has witnessed too much inside of the frog
brkatmhmwd602 Press F to pay respect
Darth_Joker I am i the only one who immediately thought of alien?
• Replyfluffy_doge I would take the snake out of it
• Replyfunnycat20 Why 420 Likes
• Replyashley.drye Yea your right Maggie
• Replyashley.drye Poor snake
• Replymaggiegaut Does anyone this that the roof of the snakes mouth looks like a human face
• Replyugandan_newkuls Stolen
• ReplyDogeSpencerMOON SAVE MEEE
• Replyofficeboys Stolen
• Replycomedyrobbie :0 this made me smarter I don’t know why but it did
• ReplyEJsWRLD The "Stolen" is contagious
• Replyfuuuuu It look like a alien form the alien movie
• ReplyMightyHawk_911 SAVE MEEEEEEEE!
• Replysodenistartednarutorunning The snake has witnessed too much inside of the frog
• Replybrkatmhmwd602 Press F to pay respect
• Reply