Y’know this doesn’t look like how he types which is already weird. And first you were taking his side all the time, even showing real concern and stuff, but now you’re against him. Bro you’re weird asf.
Both of you fake as heck. Before, when you weren’t exposed, you said how real it was. Now that you are, you are against TSD. Sorry man, I gotta take TSD’s side on this one.
Alex_idkwgn Bro WTF
• Replyimjustway2funny4u Ligma balls 😈
• Replyimjustway2funny4u We need proof that you arent the alts mr.ballsack
• Replyimjustway2funny4u Listen, even if it was real. Fuck that shit, you said you were gonna show proof it wasnt you
• Replymamapusse Y’know this doesn’t look like how he types which is already weird. And first you were taking his side all the time, even showing real concern and stuff, but now you’re against him. Bro you’re weird asf.
• ReplyThatBasilisk Both of you fake as heck. Before, when you weren’t exposed, you said how real it was. Now that you are, you are against TSD. Sorry man, I gotta take TSD’s side on this one.
• ReplyInternetPersonBananananana Jump off building
• ReplyInternetPersonBananananana You suck
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